Guest Services Worldwide

The essential concierge and information partner for hotels and their guests.

Hotel Maps

For over 25 years, our Maps have been an important customer marketing tool for the world’s finest hotels. We have an enviable reputation for delivering a product which not only promotes the hotel’s brand but also gives guests vital information about the hotel’s facilities.

Travel Apps

Guest Services App is developed to give essential information to hotel guests while promoting specific hotel services and facilities. Users have the option of making hotel reservations, ‘exploring’ the hotel and discovering information on concierge services whilst accessing exclusive local travel information.

Bespoke Products

Hotels have an ongoing need to develop new and creative marketing campaigns. Focus on meetings and events, weddings and accommodation, can require new effective marketing assets. We can be an effective marketing partner in offering bespoke collateral to aid such campaigns.

What Do We Really Do?

Guest Services Worldwide has produced and supplied high quality publications for the hotel & leisure industry for over 25 years. Current satisfied customers include world renowned brands such as The Ritz Carlton, Trump International, Starwood Hotels, Four Seasons & Shangri La.

We provide complimentary marketing tools that include guest maps, hotel branded APP content and a range of bespoke products that are built and designed to suit their needs. These bespoke products range from Apps to Wedding and Spa Brochures and Digital Maps. Find out how Guest Services Worldwide can help your business, click on the video opposite